Friday, February 10, 2017

Random Acts Of Kindness

This Sunday kicks off the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK)Week! Although this is a social media idea, I think it is important to think about what can we do to help others even when we don't know them or when they do not expect it. What are the effects from RAK? How do we feel when we do this? How does the other person(s) feel.
Today we talked about RAK and what it can do for others, ourselves, and the world. I shared a story about my family. My parents decided a few years ago that for the holidays they would give my 3 daughters money but it wasn't for them. It came with instructions. The instructions said to find 10 situations where you could give this money. They did not say how much each time or where to look or how when they needed to finish this by. WOW! What a life changing experience it was for our whole family. We paid attention more to what was happening around us, noticing life and people and situations. We changed how we thought about helping. We had great conversations about people. Sometimes we saw the reactions, while other times we did not and just tried to guess how they responded. We have also taken this idea and learned that it is not about money, it is about service and helping others as well. My kids notice more than they did before.
Here is a link to some great ideas for Random Act of Kindness week.

Let's spread kindness around like it is confetti!

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