Wednesday, February 8, 2017

An amazing journey of hope, perseverance, courage and strength

Today Hough was fortunate to have 4 time Paralympian medalist, Tucker Dupree, join us to share his journey and story. He talked to all of us about courage, hope, adaptability, passion and persevering through what seemed like something that would "ruin" his life. He told us that he had 2 options when he found out that he would be blind, 1~ to take the easy way or 2 ~ take the right way. He explained that the easy way would have been to give up, be sad, and think of all the things he couldn't do. He showed us that by choosing to take the right way he gained more than he ever thought possible.
Here is a link to his story:
Tucker Dupree story

From this story, I shared another story about a man who has no arms and no legs who continues to overcome so much everyday. Our overall theme with these two stories is about positive perspective (finding the silver lining), appreciating and focusing on what you have not on what you don't have or want,  never giving up (Dream Big) and giving grace (not judging others~you never know their situation)  We have had such great conversations that I encourage you to continue these at home. Ask your child about these experiences and share these videos to help facilitate more conversations!

Nick Vujicic story

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