Saturday, March 11, 2017

Personal Passion Project

A passion project is something we work on, outside of our regular school curriculum, that gives us satisfaction, happiness and puts us into a state of flow. We learn about something that excites us and from that we wonder and grow our thinking. Students present their learning in a variety of formats: a presentation with poster, slide show, or notecards, a puppet show, having an expert come in, are some of the ways the students have chosen to deliver their passion projects. We have learned so much from each other! I am excited to share some of the photos from our passion projects. Ask your child what their passion project(s) are about. 

Trevor - What were Babe Ruth's accomplishments?
Quinn - How do bearded dragons survive? 
Chloe - What are some secret tombs of the Egyptians?
CJ - What is the history of Spanish culture?

Mr. Saez comes to talk with the class about Cuba and his family

Ellison ~ Puppet Show - King George III - How was he as a King?

Jett - Mordecai Brown - How did he become a baseball player?
Billy ~ How do you know when a tornado is forming?

1 comment:

  1. Soooooo cool! I love Ellison's puppet show and CJ's dad coming to talk about Cuba. Really interesting to see what all the kids care about as their passion.
