Thursday, March 30, 2017

Our final race...Force and Motion unit

We finished up our Force and Motion Unit with students designing and building a carts. The challenge was to make a cart that would go the farthest given the supplies: sticks, 2 size disks, index cards, magnets, straws, popsicle sticks, tongue depressors, and tape. They rose to the challenge and designed fabulous cars. They learned a lot in this unit and it shows in their designs.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Sharing our Expert Books

We invited Mr. George's class to come and listen to our expert books this past week. The students worked so hard on these and they turned out fantastic. It was great to hear them sharing their writing and seeing the kindergarteners so excited to learn. Enjoy some photos ..

Monday, March 20, 2017

Fractions, Fractions, and More Fractions!

Fractions are such an important part of math. Nurturing the understanding of fractions takes time and practice. This is a concept that will help for future math and without deep understanding, students are left feeling confused. We are taking time to explore, manipulate, draw, develop theories and ideas, and understand how fractions work in a variety of styles. The number line is an important tool for understanding fractions. Learning about benchmarks and how they help us have an understanding of the location of a fraction is explored a lot in 3rd grade.

Here is an article that talks about Fraction Sense. It is a helpful tool to understanding the importance of fractions.

Here are some photos of students working hard to learn about fractions! It is so great to see lightbulbs going on!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Personal Passion Project

A passion project is something we work on, outside of our regular school curriculum, that gives us satisfaction, happiness and puts us into a state of flow. We learn about something that excites us and from that we wonder and grow our thinking. Students present their learning in a variety of formats: a presentation with poster, slide show, or notecards, a puppet show, having an expert come in, are some of the ways the students have chosen to deliver their passion projects. We have learned so much from each other! I am excited to share some of the photos from our passion projects. Ask your child what their passion project(s) are about. 

Trevor - What were Babe Ruth's accomplishments?
Quinn - How do bearded dragons survive? 
Chloe - What are some secret tombs of the Egyptians?
CJ - What is the history of Spanish culture?

Mr. Saez comes to talk with the class about Cuba and his family

Ellison ~ Puppet Show - King George III - How was he as a King?

Jett - Mordecai Brown - How did he become a baseball player?
Billy ~ How do you know when a tornado is forming?