Monday, August 29, 2016

Building a reading life by treating reading like it is gold!

 Over the next few weeks we will continue our journey to build reading lives that are meaningful. Your child will be analyzing their reading life in order to find "what is working" and "what is not working." Students are finding "just right books" and are working hard to discover the joy of getting lost in a good book. By thinking of reading as a special part of our lives, we then make it a priority. One great discussion we had today was about picking the best time to read. We decided that unlike when we were little and we would read right before bed, now we need to read at a time when we can really pay attention and sustain our reading for 30 minutes. Please help your child build their reading life at home as we continue to build their reading life at school. Reading is like gold! Here are photos of our class working to build our reading lives

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates, love to see them smiling and reading
