Thursday, May 25, 2017

Today was Idiom Day!

We have worked hard all year to learn figurative language in order to be better readers and understand what people mean when they use these expressions. Today students came dressed like an idiom. Boy! they were so creative. It was a super fun learning experience for all!

 Head in the clouds
 Cut corners
 In a pickle
wear my heart on my sleeve
 let the cats out of the bag
 Draw a blank
 We are all in the same boat
 Smart Cookie
 Work like a dog
 Dark horse
 batting 1,000
 Cut the cheese
 Smart Cookie
 piece of cake
 smartie pants and ace up your sleeve
 Don't let the Cat out of the bag
Top Banana

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

March Madness Challenge ~ read 1,000 minutes in March

WOW! I am always up for a challenge and giving a challenge. These students took me up on my challenge and exceeded my expectations. We celebrated their willingness to push themselves and read almost everyday~even over spring break with pizza or Jimmy John lunch and dessert (yummy)!  Remember...."Always make time to get lost in a good book!"

Way to grow! 

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Family Folk Dance Night

Last week 3rd grade had their yearly music performance. Mrs. Rosellini worked hard to teach the class the many folk  dances to share with you all! It was great to see so many families take time out of their busy schedules to see what their child is learning about in music and dance together. Here are some photos from the evening!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Chicago History Museum Visit

On the 100th birthday of the Chicago flag, 3rd grade visited the Chicago History Museum to kick off our social studies unit on Chicago. Students will continue to study and learn about how Chicago came to be the 3rd largest city in the US. We will study the impact of  The Great Chicago Fire and how the events after shaped Chicago. Here are some photos from our day at the museum.